Level 1 Certificate in Counselling:
An introduction Course Dates: Mon 24th Apr 2023 - Mon 12th June
Duration: 7 weeks (Bank Holidays/Term Breaks not included) Location on this date: Online :What is the course about?
The course will introduce you to counselling and the process of studying towards becoming a counsellor. You will discover what attitudes and personal qualities counsellors are needed to develop self awareness, and explore some of the main ideas and practices of counselling theory. You will begin to learn about and practise listening skills and be encouraged to learn more about yourself. You will also have the chance to look at further training opportunities in counselling and hear from other students currently training at Eve Therapy Training & Counselling Services. Please note that students who do not attend at least one of the first two sessions will forfeit their place and lose their fee. This course is exempt from our standard refund policy. What will we cover?
What will I achieve? By the end of this course you should be able to...
What level is the course and do I need any particular skills? Level 1 is introductory. Studying via Zoom can be challenging but we ask that students come willing to draw on their own experiences and be open to those of other students. You will need to be a fluent speaker of English, be able to listen and respond to others and take part in discussions. If you want to be considered for the next level you will need to write about your experiences in a learning journal and read some recommended texts. Please note: there is no automatic progression to Level 2. How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class? The emphasis is on learning through experience. There will be exercises in pairs and in threes, small groups and the large group. There will also be tutor input and handouts provided. You'll be asked to keep a 500-word journal focusing on your learning, reflection and deepening self awareness. Towards the end of the course, you will be asked to produce a short piece of creative work which summarises your learning on the course. Are there any other costs? Is there anything I need to bring? You will be given some handouts but you will need to bring your own pen and notebook. You will need to have access to your own computer and private, uninterrupted space to be able to able to fully participate on Zoom. Prior to the course, you may wish to read Sanders, P (2011) First Steps in Counselling, Ross-on-Wye; PCCS Books. When I've finished, what course can I do next? This course continues with a CPCAB Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills. To be eligible to apply for this course, students will need to have tutor recommendation and have completed their introduction course with an attendance rate of 80% or more. For further information, please contact uston 020 4488 1927 or [email protected] Entry Criteria
Other requirements:
Please enquire for more information on 020 3488 1927 or email us at: [email protected] |
Payable in full. We do not allow instalments for courses under 20 GLH hours.
Course DatesAPRIL 2022 (EVE)
ONLINE Course Start Date: 24 April 2023 Course End Date: 12 June 2023 Course Day: MONDAY MODE: ONLINE Time: 6pm -8.30pm Duration: 7 Weeks |